Changeling Teaser

Tick Tock

Neverland… whimsical and sometimes perilous. Filled with lush forests, enchanted lagoons, and pirate ships. A place where anything is possible, the perfect setting for your imagination. And your imagination is what you will need to survive.

Tick Tock

There are many winding paths through Neverland. Some lead to dark places, some lead to ancient pasts, some to monsters, some to your greatest enemy, and some to answers you didn’t know you needed. The paths will be laid out before you, what you do matters, and the choices you make shape the future. Will you find within yourself the wisdom to make the choice that aligns with your true heart? When destiny calls upon you, will you rise to the occasion with the clarity and grace that the moment demands?

Tick Tock

Time is not on your side…

Tick Tock


This VSS is a guide to the style and feel of the game being run at MesCon 2024. This is the presiding VSS Document for this event, along with the Universal VSS.

Venue Lead Storyteller: Paul Crawford –

Venue Second Storyteller: Justin Sisson –

Theme & Mood

With the backdrop set with the return of the Black fomorians, political tides shifting, and events in Neverland continuing to escalate the danger is ever present. Choices will be made that will forever determine the course of the future. However, the right choice is rarely the easy one to make.


OOC: Windsor Locks, CT

IC: Neverlandish

Players may portray only ONE PC.

Experience Points, VIP & Volunteering:

You will earn 4 Event XP for all your Changeling characters for attending MesCon 2023 – even the ones you don’t play!

Venue Specific Storytelling Mechanics:

  • Pre-Casts: We encourage you to submit your Pre Casts to by November 1st.  The Pre Cast email can be used for a wide variety of powers, merits, flaws, and general scheming, so please send one in if you have anything you are preparing for the Con!

  • No proxies.  You must portray your own PC in person.

  • Character Conflict Resolution & Character Death:

    • See the Universal VSS

  • Character Sheets:

    • See the Universal VSS.

  • Travel Risks:

    • There are no travel risks.

    • As per the Universal VSS, characters are assumed to arrive on Friday and depart on Saturday morning.

  • Glamour & Willpower

    • Every PC comes in at full glamour

    • Every PC comes in at full Willpower unless your Willpower is temporarily depleted due to a downtime action, quest consequence, or similar effect following your character from their local game.  Check with your Venue Storyteller if you have questions about your PCs willpower on the night of game.

    •  Conventions STs may modify starting glamour and willpower for PCs as a response to their Pre-Casts

  • In-Character Spying and Alt IDs

    • There are no VSS restrictions on in-character spying

    • We are very unlikely to have the staff needed to play things like stock chimera or wraiths.

  • Cell Phone/Tech Use

    • Using a cell phone or other device OOC to simulate IC things – such as being in telepathy with a PC in another room and trading text messages between players – must be registered with an ST or Narrator.

VSS Scale Descriptors:

   0    Never Present         ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯

   1    Rarely Present        ⚫◯ ◯ ◯ ◯

   2    Sometimes Present ⚫⚫◯ ◯ ◯

   3   Often Present           ⚫⚫⚫◯ ◯

   4     Usually Present      ⚫⚫⚫⚫◯

  5      Always Present       ⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫

Setting specific focuses

Domestic Focus & Manners

  • How much time each PC needs to spend managing their social etiquette and peer pressure?

  • ⚫⚫◯ ◯ ◯

Scale of Stories/Drama

  • How epic are the plots and NPCs?

  • ⚫⚫⚫⚫ ◯


  • How much mystery and investigation is there?

    • ⚫⚫⚫⚫◯


  • How intense is the blood, violence, and evil? Will there be situations and plot lines that may be too extreme for members with delicate sensibilities?

    • ⚫⚫⚫◯ ◯

Tragedy/PC Corruption

  • How dark and bleak does it get? Is this a big adventurous fight where PCs march from one victory to the next or is every win tainted by horrific moral quandaries?

  • ⚫⚫◯ ◯ ◯


  • What level of PVE combat should players expect from this game?

    • ⚫⚫⚫⚫◯


  • How much political negotiation and scheming is expected?

  • ⚫⚫⚫◯ ◯


  • What level of CVC (character combat or death) does the ST Expect to occur in this venue?

  • ⚫⚫◯ ◯ ◯