An NTA technology project for discord
MES Discord Admins
I’m excited to introduce MESBot, an advanced verification bot designed to streamline and secure user verification from our membership portal. This bot will help with member verification and cut down on administration tasks on your Discord server. Add MESBot to your discord server.
MES Members
What you need to know:
MESBot sends a special link with a token to you via direct message when you join an MES discord server where it is installed. For security purposes the link expires after 5 minutes and because this link contains a token, it should not be shared with anyone else, and also should not be posted publicly. This means that you will have to allow MESBot to send you direct messages in order to verify your account. If you are currently a member on a server and not yet verified, it will send a daily reminder for you to login. After 7 days, your role as a MES member will be removed if you do not authenticate.
MESBot Features:
What does it do?
User Verification: MESBot authenticates discord users via the membership portal oauth sign-on, giving you 100% reliability that users who pass validation have a valid membership.
Role Assignment: Server admins can configure a server role that MESBot will control. It will verify that the role exists and store this setting in our database. When a user joins the server, they will receive a link to authenticate via the portal, if they already have a token, they will automatically be given the role you configured. If the discord user does not have a current membership they will not get the role. Any users who have the server role but not a token will get a daily reminder to login, and after 7 days will lose the role.
Membership expiration: If a membership expires, the bot checks daily for expired memberships and removes the assigned role from those users. After the membership is renewed, they can once again get a token to restore their access.
Membership renewal reminders: Users with a token will receive a discord notification 4 weeks, 2 weeks, and 1 week before your membership expires. You will also be notified the day that your membership expires.
Authentication: You can request a new token at any time with the !auth command, for example if a previous link expired. You can also clear your token with !expire. For officer accounts: you should always remove the token associating a discord account with your membership before turning it over to a new officer.
Global banlist: Globally banned discord users as identified by the Board of Directors will be added to a global banlist, and the bot will automatically add ban those users on servers where the bot is installed (if the bot has permission to do so)
Member lookup: !id <user id> will return the membership number and first and last name of the member if they have a valid token. For security purposes, only users with a token have access to this command.
Commands can be sent in a DM to the bot or in a channel where MESBot can view messages. [] indicates an optional parameter and <> indicates a required parameter.
!help | Provides a list of available commands |
!auth [server name] | Requests a new token to authenticate your membership. If you send the command in a DM you must provide the [server name]. The bot will respond to this command by sending you a link. To complete your authentication you must click the link, login to the portal, and click on the authorize accept button. Once you do this you will receive a message confirming the role that the bot has assigned to you. |
!expire | This command will erase the token associated with your discord account. Officers should use this before handing over a discord account to another member. The token is associated with your membership so when accounts change hands, please do this to ensure that the new owner’s membership is associated with the account. |
!id <user id> | This command will return the name and membership number of any discord user with a token. This link explains how to get someone’s user id. |
!role [role name or role id] | This command is for server administrators only, and cannot be sent via DM. This configures the role that you want MESBot to assign to authenticated members. Please note: it will also remove this role after a grace period of 7 days from any discord members who do not authenticate. This includes bots, etc. Please ensure that your bots, etc. are granted permissions via a different role than the one you use for members. You can also check what role is selected with the !role command without any parameters. |
MESBot needs permission to view channels, send messages, and (optionally) control the server ban list. Users will also need to allow MESBot to send DMs, as sign-in URLs cannot be posted publicly for security.
How does it work:
On the backend MESBot has read-only access to our membership database to provide membership expiration reminders to users, and full access it’s own private database to track server settings and user tokens. Authentication is implemented via oauth v2 which is part of our membership portal. Oauth v2 is a single sign-on standard used by many major providers like Microsoft and Google.
Getting Help
Known issues: No current known issues.
You can contact the NTA for assistance with MESBot via email or DM on discord.
New features:
- I will implement the most requested user features. If you come up with a useful feature that is not available in any other bot. Submit your feature via this link, and I will (time permitting) work on adding new features.
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