Mailing Lists

MES has both Out-of-Character mailing lists for club announcements and general discussions and both In and Out of Character mailing lists for all active games.  Our lists are currently hosted through TopicBox and can be accessed using your MES membership login.

We recommend that all active members join the MES-Announce mailing list. This is where all important announcements for the MES as a whole are posted, including policy changes, convention information, national and board level elections, etc. While there may be weeks with more emails than usual during busy election or convention times, the MES Announce list is generally fairly low traffic and can be set to individual or grouped digest emails. List additions are manually processed and may take time, but if you have not seen notification of your admittance or received any communication from a List Admin to verify your membership request within 72 hours, please reach out to the National Coordinator for assistance.

Members are also invited to join the MES-General mailing list which is a club-wide general out of character list meant for discussing any and all topics relevant to the club as a whole, or even just for conversing back and forth over various topics with your fellow members. List additions are manually processed and may take time, but if you have not seen notification of your admittance or received any communication from a List Admin to verify your membership request within 72 hours, please reach out to the National Coordinator for assistance.

To join the In or Out of Character lists for the current 13th Hour (Vampire: the Masquerade), Breaking Winter (Changeling: the Dreaming), or On Frayed Threads (Werewolf: the Apocalypse) chronicles, please fill out this form.  List additions are a manual process and as such may take time, but if after 72 hours you have not seen an email noting your access has been given, please reach out to the National Storyteller for assistance.

For more information, see the Mailing List New User Document, or the initial Mailing List Announcement.  A full listing of all current IC lists is available here.

Posting guidelines and privacy policy are here.  To report a violation of the IC or OOC rules, please fill out this form.


Regional OOC Lists

In addition to the MES Announce and MES General lists, each Region also has individual Announcement and General lists. You can find the links below to join those lists. They each serve a very similar purpose to the MES Announce and General lists, but at a Regional level.

Central Region Announcements
Central Region General List

Great Lakes Region Announcements
Great Lakes Region General List

Northeast Region Announcements
Northeast Region General List

Southeast Region Announcements
Southeast Region General List

Western Region Announcements
Western Region General List

Other Mailing Lists

In addition to the lists discussed and/or linked here, the Modern Enigma Society hosts several other mailing lists targeted at providing a central location for communication and reporting of club officers. You may wish to join the report lists for your region to be able to easily find reports from the various officers in your region, including your Domain Coordinator and Storyteller.

This Link will take you to a Google Document with additional information and tips, and which provides information and links for each of these additional lists.