Regional Virtual Domain Membership
Each Regional Virtual Domain has different criteria for members to consider. This is specific for each region. All questions about joining the Regional Virtual Domains should be directed to the Regional Coordinator of your region.
Some common requirements may include: (This list may vary from Region to Region. Some Regions may not support all of these listed criteria.)
- Member must be at least 30 miles or more away from a Domain.
- Member has a medical condition that prevents them from attending games.
- Members have other extreme circumstances that prevent them from attending games.
If you feel that you fit one or more of these requirements, speak to your regional coordinator to see what the specific requirements are for your region.
Some examples of “extreme circumstances” could include being the caretaker of another individual who has medical conditions or having a job which requires that the member travel more than they are at home.
If you are interested in joining a Regional Virtual Domain, please fill out the information listed below and send it to your Regional Coordinator. Contacts for each Regional Coordinator can be found here
- Your Name:
- Your MES #:
- Expiration Date or Order # for most recent renewal:
- Email Address:
- City and State of Residence:
- Region of Residency:
- Current or Closest Domain Code:
- Current Coordinator Contact Information:
- Distance from Current and/or Closest Domain
- Why are you seeking a membership transfer to MES Virtual? (Please explain in detail!)
- Attach a copy of your current prestige log
The Regional Coordinator will then help you determine what steps come next given your particular situation.