New Member Guide to MES Virtual
Please Note that this information is primarily for Out of Character interactions in the MES Virtual Discord Game Servers. The additional documentation is under storyteller information, and includes game specific information, as well as pinned messages on each discord server (usually in the announcements channel).
Online games are conducted over the internet most often using a Discord Server, and Discord Bots for built-in challenge resolution system, thereby allowing players from all over the world the chance to role-play together in the same place at the same time with an easy-to-use mechanics system for in character chops.
Server and Channel Information:
The first thing you’ll need to do to get started with the MES Virtual Games is to download Discord – an application that will allow you to log into a game server, or use Discord through your web browser.
Joining a Server:
To join a Server for a game, you will need an invite link. These are usually posted in game announcements, or on the web page used for that particular game’s information.
Check-In and User ID:
Most games will require your Discord Username for your first check-in. This is different than the nickname that you will use within a particular Discord Server. The format for your Username is the name, a pound-sign/hashtag, then a 4-digit number: Name#1234
Each operating system has a slightly different layout for Discord, but here are some basic navigation instructions:
To find your Username, click on the icon that looks like a gear for ‘User Settings’, then under ‘Account Information’ it will list your Username. For example, the MES Communities Manager’s username is: MES.communities.manager#8930
On a touch-screen device, click on your user icon, then your username will appear under the user icon on the ‘User Settings’ screen.
Conversation and Actions:
Each operating system has a slightly different layout for Discord, but here are some basic navigation and functions:
Conversational speech is simply just typed into the channel. There is no need for quotation marks in this case. In the event someone has a need to say something out of character in the game channels, it should be inside parenthesis or it will be considered to have been said by your character.
Private/Direct Messages (PM/DM):
Private Messages generally appear the window for that particular user. You can access that list on the Discord Home Screen. This can be used to communicate privately with another player or the Storyteller. A list of users on the server can be found to the right of the main chat window, you can click on the person’s nickname that you want to talk privately to and it will open a small message window. You can also right-click on a user name and select ‘message’.
Nick changes:
Each game may have its own Nickname requirements. Changing your nickname on a particular server doesn’t change your Discord username, or nickname on another server. To change your nick, you can right-click on your name in the server user list then click ‘change nickname’. On a touch-screen device, tap your username, then select ‘Manager User’, then ‘change nickname’
Most often character action descriptions are put in italics. To use italics, put a single pair of asterisks around the text: *italics*
For more text formatting options, check out the Discord help page.