Regional Virtual Domains

Regional Virtual Domains



For many years, House of the Four Winds served as the online chapter/domain for the Modern Enigma Society. It was created and housed within the East Central Region for well over a decade before it began to outgrow it’s original purpose.

Now, Four Winds exists as a Virtual Community. Replacing it in the Domain Roster are eight Regional Virtual Domains, one within each MES Region. The members of these domain have a variety of reasons for joining these chapters, ranging from location to medical conditions to work schedules that do not allow them to participate in local domains of the Organization.


These domains differ in some ways from the typical Domain. Here are just some of those ways:

  • RVDs are not permitted to establish their own VSSs

  • Membership Criteria is set by the Regional Coordinator
  • The RVD DCs will vote in both the Regional Coordinator and Regional Storyteller elections.

  • RVDs are permanent domains whether they have 0 or 50 members

  • If the RVD cannot elect a DC, the RC will appoint a member of their staff to fulfill those duties until a DC can be elected.


More information about the RVDs can be found in the attached pages, as well as contact information for the RVD DCs and the RCs. These domains are also described in the US Member Handbook.